Class 2 of 20 : Rising and Falling

Class 2 of 20 : Rising and Falling

Discover the transformative practice of meditation and unlock your true potential for personal growth and inner peace. Explore mindfulness techniques, stress reduction ...more

meditation ,20 Class Series &Cognitive Flexibility

May 22, 20236 min read

Class 1 of 20 : In and Out

Class 1 of 20 : In and Out

Discover the profound benefits of meditation for personal growth and resilience. Explore evidence-backed insights and practical tips to incorporate ...more

meditation ,Meditation Techniques &20 Class Series

May 22, 20233 min read

6 benefits from Self-examination that Help You Take Back Control of your Life

6 benefits from Self-examination that Help You Take Back Control of your Life

“Learning opportunities” life is full of them. And these magikal experiences are the foundation of growth. To really take advantage of this growth opportunity effective self-examination or introspecti... ...more

meditation ,emotional regulation

May 09, 20235 min read

Unlocking the Power of Responsive Communication through Meditation Practice

Unlocking the Power of Responsive Communication through Meditation Practice

This blog post explores how meditation improves responsive communication by fostering non-reaction. Learn to control emotions and respond effectively to stress. Regular practice helps maintain calm an... ...more

meditation ,emotional regulation

May 06, 20234 min read

The Power of Meditating with a Partner: Benefits and Tips

The Power of Meditating with a Partner: Benefits and Tips

Have you been taught that meditation as a solitary activity, Did you know it can be a shared experience. In fact, many clients and practitioners alike rely on a meditation buddy as a foundation to bui... ...more

meditation ,emotional regulation

May 03, 20233 min read

Embracing New Beginnings: A Journey of Personal Growth and New Beginnings through Guided Meditation

Embracing New Beginnings: A Journey of Personal Growth and New Beginnings through Guided Meditation

Discover the transformative power of guided meditation for resilience, personal growth, and embracing new beginnings. Explore evidence-backed techniques and practical tips to enhance your practice. Jo... ...more

meditation ,emotional regulation

January 25, 17115 min read

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