In this thought-provoking blog post, we dive into the ancient technique of So Hum meditation, a practice that promotes inner peace and stillness. Guided by the brand values of The Seven Directions, we create a space for self-discovery and personal growth, inviting readers to explore the profound benefits of this ancient meditation technique. The blog takes you through the process of finding comfort in the present moment, deepening awareness through breath observation, and entering the So Hum meditation. Embracing stillness and tranquility, we learn to bring peace into our lives through the rhythm of our breath.
Welcome to The Seven Directions, a platform dedicated to thought-provoking discussions and personal growth. In this blog post, we will delve into the ancient technique of So Hum meditation—an effective practice for finding inner peace and stillness. Embracing the brand's values of inclusivity and personal growth, we invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and explore the profound benefits of So Hum meditation.
Finding Comfort in the Present Moment:
To begin your So Hum meditation practice, find a comfortable place to rest your body. Allow your awareness to settle into the present moment, leaving behind any external distractions. Close your eyelids and take a deep breath in, holding it briefly at the top. As you exhale through your mouth, release any strain or struggle you may be feeling. Repeat this process two more times, allowing yourself to let go of stress and pressure.
Deepening Awareness with Breath Observation:
Now, shift your focus to your breath. Breathe in and out through your nose, paying attention to the subtle transitions within each breath. Observe the beginning, middle, and end of each inhalation and exhalation, pausing briefly at the top and bottom of each breath. Take a few moments to practice this breath observation technique, maintaining awareness of the breath's journey.
Entering the So Hum Meditation:
As you continue to breathe, slow down the pace even more. Soften the edges of your eyes, gently open your jaw, and let your shoulders drop and relax. Begin to silently repeat the syllables "SO" on the inhalation and "HUM" on the exhalation. Inhale with "SO" and exhale with "HUM," returning to these words repeatedly.
Embracing Stillness and Tranquility:
Allow the pauses between breaths to embrace stillness within you. If your mind becomes noisy or distracted, gently bring your focus back to the repetition of "SO" and "HUM." Keep your jaw slightly open and your shoulders relaxed as you continue this practice. This meditation allows you to find peace and tranquility within the rhythm of your breath.
Deepening Your So Hum Meditation:
Continue practicing So Hum meditation, enjoying the moments of stillness and tranquility that arise. If thoughts arise during your meditation, gently bring your attention back to the rhythm of "SO" and "HUM." Allow yourself to experience the ease and peace that come with this practice. Take your time, and I will remain silent for a while, giving you the space to deepen your meditation.
Congratulations on exploring the ancient technique of So Hum meditation! Through this practice, you have tapped into the power of your breath and discovered a path to inner peace and stillness. The Seven Directions is honoured to guide you on your journey of realisation and personal growth. Remember to incorporate this technique into your daily routine, embracing the transformative effects it can bring to your life. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions and practices to empower your personal growth.
So HumClick here to A Short meditation
#Meditation #SelfDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #InnerPeace #Stillness #SoHumMeditation #BreathAwareness #Mindfulness #Spirituality #EmbracingStillness #Tranquility
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